Having access to clean water isn’t just a comfort of your home here in Rancho Cucamonga, CA; it’s a necessity for life and for continued good health. By the same token, your plumber isn’t just the guy that helps you unclog your toilet or comes to your rescue when a pipe bursts.
Your plumber actually plays a key role in making sure that your family is protected against water-borne illness. Plumbers also help in other ways, namely supporting your efforts for water conservation. So next time you take a cold, refreshing- and safe-drink of water, thank your plumber. Here is why:
Water Conservation Efforts
There is a global water crisis underway and it is essential that we do everything we can to preserve the precious resources however we can. You have a water conservation partnership with your plumber.
Your plumber can install eco-friendly plumbing fixtures, like dual flush toilets, low-flow showerheads and motion sensor faucets to help reduce water waste. He’ll also repair plumbing leaks which are a significant source of water waste.
For your part, you can change your behavior towards water use. Get a rain barrel to catch water to use to water your plants. Give your dog a bath on the lawn instead of in the tub, so you can water the lawn at the same time. Mulch your garden so that it retains water. In the kitchen, don’t run water to defrost food or rinse dishes; fill the sink instead.
The Health Risks 
Don’t underestimate the potential danger of consuming unclean water. It’s not just that it tastes or smells bad; you can become seriously ill.
In some cases, you can die from water-borne illnesses in unclean water. It’s even more dangerous for young children, the elderly and for people with compromised immune systems.
It’s not uncommon for people to fall sick with E coli, salmonella or Hepatitis A from contaminated water. Some symptoms you might experience are neurological, reproductive and gastrointestinal problems.
How Plumbers Help
Water most often gets contaminated at the source from groundwater or chemicals in the soil. However, water can also become unclean during delivery to your home.
That’s why it is essential to make sure that your pipes are built of the proper material. Older homes typically have pipes that contain lead, which can leach into your drinking water. Upgrade to PVC piping to diminish the risk of contamination.
Water that sits still is more likely to be contaminated, so make sure to run the water and flush your pipes if you’ve been away on holidays.