Why Choose Water Conservation?
When you think about taking care of the environment one of the first things that come out of many people's mouths is water conservation. It is a serious issue that requires a serious response. Water conservation should be undertaken by all citizens and many small steps can add up to a lot.
When you think of your home the major system that uses water is your plumbing system. Plumbing systems can be notorious hogs of water and many people don't even seem to notice it.
This water usage adds a large burden on municipalities and requires the usage of water reclamation projects to recover the wasted water that is easily avoidable by many homes.
Further, excessive water usage can be expensive and finding a way to limit your water usage through water conservation can be good for your pocket as well as for the environment.
How Low Flow Fixtures Can Save You Water
Much of the savings in water can be completed through the installation of low-flush toilets and low flow shower-heads/faucets that use much less water than the standard models.
Technological advances in the designs of these low flush alternatives often mean that consumers can barely tell the difference in the usage once they are installed but reap the benefits through lower water bills. While these units are popular in Europe and Asia, they haven't taken off in the US but are a great alternative for cutting your water usage in your home.
Getting Your New System Installed
Now that you understand why you should be serious about water conservation and understand how you can go about making a difference for your wallet and the environment through the installation of new plumbing contraptions, the question becomes how you should go about having these items installed.
Some people try to install these plumbing implements themselves only to find that they do so improperly which leads to leaking units that defeat the purpose of having water-saving faucets and other features installed in the first place.
Don't go down this cheap route and make the right choice and have a professional licensed plumber perform the installation on your behalf.
They will do the job the right way and over time you will save more money that way and have a better functioning plumbing system in place that saves you money and helps conserve the environment.
Plumbing Fixtures Are Easy to Maintain With Soap & Water
This is a plumbing myth that is held by a lot of our customers. They use the same soap on the fixtures that they use to wash their hands. They assume that any product that is safe for their hands or body is safe for the plumbing fixtures.
Well, it is time to bust that myth. Toilet bowls require a cleaning agent that also sanitizes. Soap and water simply are not enough.
Soap is definitely bad for the sink and brass fixtures. Cleaning with soap and water requires heavy-duty scrubbing leading to damage.
The sink and brass fixtures require cleansers that gently remove stains. The fact is that people are always going to rely on and believe in those myths. Those that believe in those myths usually end up contacting us.
Don’t delay. Give All City Plumbing, Air & Electrical a call at (909) 552-7550 to save money and lower the carbon footprint of your Highland home without changing your busy lifestyle.